7 Actionable Ways to Supercharge Your Personal Growth

Actionable Ways to Supercharge Your Personal Growth - Modern Brown Girl.png

There is no end-game when in comes to personal growth. Physically and mentally we are constantly evolving, therefore we must continually establish habits that will help us live the best version of ourselves.

Personal growth is a lifelong process of psychological, physical, social and spiritual development. No matter what stage you are in life, continually growing will set you up for personal and professional success. And the best part is that it’s never too late start.

We've put together seven simple things you can start on today on a personal level to help you live a more mindful and fulfilling life.

1. Clean your home

There's no denying that a cluttered space can make you feel anxious and overwhelmed. Take some time to thoroughly declutter all of the papers that are piled up, throw out or donate items that you no longer have a use for, put clothes away, and clean your space so that it's a place of calm and not stress. Keeping your space neat and organized will help with productivity because you’re less likely to lose things and have more time to focus on your daily tasks. 

2. Declutter your inbox

At any given time, I have over 1,000 emails in my inbox. It drives me crazy and gives me anxiety knowing that there are messages that are going unanswered. So, one morning, I blocked out my schedule to filter through my inbox and deleted what I didn’t need, and moved important items into labeled folders.

This took some time, but I ended my day with zero messages in my inbox. And from that morning on, I end each day with zero messages in my inbox.


When something comes my way, I deal with it. Whether it's to delegate, delete, actually doing the task at hand, or deferring it, whatever the task, I get it handled.

3. Schedule a doctor & dentist appointment

Your health is a priority and you should make it a habit of seeing your doctor and dentist at least once a year. The beginning of the year is a great time to remember this. Even if you feel amazing, it's important to see your doctor to get a baseline of your health. Yearly health exams and tests can help find problems before they start and also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better. 

4. Limit social media

Do you check your Instagram first thing in the morning? Do you check Facebook ten times in one hour? There is simply no need to constantly be glued to social media. Not only is it mentally unhealthy, it's a big time sucker. Think about all of the other things you could be doing with that hour you just spent on Instagram. 

Don’t get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with embracing social media, but try to schedule a time for it. I guarantee that if you check into your social accounts 2-3 times a day and not 2-3 times in an hour, you won't be missing out on anything important. 

5. Establish a morning routine & stick with it

One thing that successful people have in common is a well-established morning routine. You are the most productive first thing in the morning and setting up a routine ensures that you can maintain that level of productivity for longer periods of time. Creating a morning routine will streamline your daily processes, cut down on wasted time, and allow for more productivity in your used time. 

6. Develop your sense of style

The way you dress not only impacts how others respond to you, it changes the way you see yourself. Style is not just about clothes but it impacts how you feel. You know that feeling you get when you walk into a room knowing that you're looking extra AF? That is a reflection of your most powerful self.

7. Learn something new

We all need a breath of fresh ideas and perceptions. Whether it's learning how to code, taking a ceramics class, or learning a new language, developing your knowledge base can significantly improve your life personally and professionally. Learning something new keeps our brains active and allows us to succeed at something new, thus enhancing our self esteem.

What are some things you do to live your best life?  

LifestyleGabriela Garcia