10 Simple and No-Cost Things to Instantly Improve Your Life

10 Things To Do To Improve Your Life

Improving your life doesn’t have to be about making one big dramatic change. Sometimes, it's the little things we do day-to-day that can equal big results. Typically, it comes down to the small things we do every day, like choosing water over soda, that can help you become a better version of yourself.

Positively turning your life around doesn't have to be overwhelming, nor does it need to take a long time to see big results. We've come up with 10 simple things that you can do every day that will make dramatic changes in your life with results you will see instantly.


1. Wake up earlier

This is one piece of advice that is easier said than done. But seriously, it makes such a difference to your day. Start small by getting up 10 minutes earlier every morning. Then gradually increase the time when your body is ready for it.

Waking up early and making time to focus on things that matter - such as meditating, exercise, or coffee - can set you up for a productive day. Last minute issues that pop up are not so overwhelming and you’ll have ample time to mentally prepare yourself for the day ahead. 

My best friend bought me a Wake-Up Light for Christmas and — no joke — it works wonders. It has an automatic light control that stimulates a sunrise 30 minutes before the alarm is set to go off, just like a natural dawn sunrise, and it has been the one thing that has helped me wake up earlier without fail.

2. Make your bed

Start your day on a productive note and make your bed first thing in the morning. It takes less than two minutes and if you accomplish nothing else during the day, at least you have a freshly made bed to crawl into at night. 

3. Take 10 minutes to visualize your day

Mindfulness, meditation, whatever you want to call it, take at least 10 minutes out of your day to sit with yourself with no distractions and visualize your day. In a perfect scenario, what would it look like? Imagine yourself accomplishing everything you want. We are true believers in the “Law of Attraction” — that a thought has no other role than to try to become its physical equivalent. Whatever you are against becomes your experience, and whatever you are for becomes your reality.  Visualize everything that you want to come into existence for your life and let the universe work its magic.

4. Start a gratitude journal 

Much like visualizing your day, actively focusing on the good things in your life is bound to bring more good into your life. When we begin to notice all of the amazing things that have happened throughout our day, more amazing things are bound to enter our lives. Stop thinking about what you are against, and refocus your attention to things you are for. Take a few minutes at the end of each day to write down everything that you are grateful for. Even if you’ve had a troubling day and the only good thing in your perspective was a great cup of coffee, write that down. The next day you may find that you have more to be grateful for.

10 Simple and No-Cost Things to Do to Instantly Improve Your Life - Modern Brown Girl

5. Check your bank statements

Every two weeks, thoroughly look through your bank statements and take notice of expenses that you can cut out. You will be surprised at how much money you can save on items that you may be blindly spending money on. Keeping on top of your financial health is very important, so make it a point to always know what's coming in and out of your bank account. Less surprises mean less anxiety. 

6. Put your phone down and read a book

Are you glued to your phone checking social media before bed? Do you fall asleep browsing through Instagram? Instead of mindlessly scrolling through your feed, put your phone down and pick up a book. Reading just 10 minutes a day can dramatically reduce stress, especially before bed. Try disconnecting and lose yourself in a good novel or autobiography.

7. Call someone you love

Pick up the phone and call, not text, someone important in your life. Maintaining healthy relationships is important for our emotional health and helps to sustain a positive outlook on life and wards off feelings of depression, anxiety, and anger. If you have time to binge-watch Netflix, you have time to call your abuela and catch up with her life.

8. Stop talking and start doing

Instead of talking about all of the things you want to accomplish, actually do them. Don't let excuses or let circumstances get in your way. Write that book, take that class, start that side business. Less talking, more doing. Stop talking about it and start being about it.

9. Declutter your space

There's no denying that a cluttered space can make you feel anxious and overwhelmed. Take some time to thoroughly declutter all of the papers that are piled up, throw out or donate items that you no longer have a use for, put clothes away, and clean your space so that it's a place of calm and not stress. Keeping your space neat and organized will help with productivity because you’re less likely to lose things and have more time to focus on your daily tasks.

10. Get outside

Being outside has so many benefits to our overall health, so take a walk around the block, eat your lunch outside, or just sit outside for a few minutes. Being in nature helps with concentration, creativity, and reduces stress. Even if it's just for five minutes, go outside and breathe. 

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What are some small things you do that make a big impact? 

LifestyleGabriela Garcia